This is a question I hear all the time. But there are so many reasons! I'll try to sum it up to a few.
and more fun to use than your average over the counter medication at the convenient store.
Not to mention I know EXACTLY what is in our medicine and most of time it's a project the kids can help me with. This is so incredibly important! Have you ever actually looked at the ingredient list of over the counter cough syrup? Did you know they aren't even proven to be effective? The herbal remedies I use for my family have been a trusted source of health care for hundred and sometimes thousands of years! Herbs have helped me keep my sanity, they've nourished me through two pregnancies, healed many a bump and bruise, and most of all kept us healthy during the 6 years that we didn't have health insurance or two pennies to rub together.
It is both my joy and my privilege to be able to share some of the recipes I use with my own family. I hope they'll bring you and yours comfort and healing.
Brightest Blessings,
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