
Live, Eat, Craft, Heal, according to the seasons and traditional feminine arts.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Top 3 Reasons Why Herbs Don't Work

As I'm sure you can already tell, I LOVE using herbal medicine for well...just about everything.  To me, nothing is better than being able to open up my fridge or herb cabinet and know that I am prepared to heal whatever ails my family.  I know from experience that herbs are magic.  They have every bit of the power that most drugs do and with significantly less side effects. So why is it then, that I hear so many stories of people...

Friday, March 1, 2013

How to Quit Smoking

Since you're reading this post, I'll automatically assume that you or someone you love smokes.  But, before you go any further in this post, I'm going to be extremely honest with you.  Unless YOU or whomever you are sending this too, TRULY wants to quit, these tips aren't going to do much for you.  The truth is quitting smoking is hard.  This is coming from a woman who has quit smoking dozens of times since high...

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

{Valentine's Day} Love Treats Extravaganza!

Want to hear a little secret? I LOVE Valentine's Day! It's the one time a year you can cut out little tissue paper hearts, unapologetically decorate your house with glittery reds and pinks, gussy up, eat chocolate and have great sex.  What's not to like?? Okay you hate the hallmark cards, you hate the date night obligations, sometimes you can't find a sitter.  I get it.  But I also think none of that matters unless you...

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